Mental Toughness: Building Resilience and Perseverance as a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur

The ability to "suck it up" and keep going, even when things are tough, is an essential trait for both digital nomads and entrepreneurs. If you can't handle discomfort or failure, it's hard to make a living as a digital nomad or an entrepreneur. Just ask any entrepreneur who has failed at launching a business. It's easy to be swayed by the voices of discouragement that come from outside sources: family members, friends, acquaintances—even strangers who want to tell you how poorly they think your idea will work out because they've tried it themselves! But what if you could learn not just how to tolerate adversity but actually embrace it? Wouldn't that give you an advantage over people who avoid challenges? Yes! And luckily there are research-backed strategies we can use to build mental toughness so that we can handle every situation with poise and grace no matter where life takes us next:


"Mindset" is a mental perspective.

It's a way of thinking, a belief system and a lens through which you see the world. It's also something that can be changed at any time. And changing your mindset will make all the difference in your life as a digital nomad entrepreneur or anyone else who wants to be successful in business or life!


Practice is the key to improving your skills, but it's not quite as simple as repeating the same thing over and over again.

Practice is about learning and improvement, not just doing something over and over again until you get it right. If you practice something enough times without learning anything new, then all those hours of practice will have been wasted!

If I want to get better at playing guitar, I need more than just repetition--I need actual instruction from someone who knows what they're doing (like a teacher). The same goes for anything else: if you want to learn French or Japanese or how computers work internally so that someday maybe someday soon maybe then maybe this could happen then probably not because reasons reasons reasons...


Perseverance is the ability to keep going in the face of failure. It's a key component of mental toughness, and it can be crucial when you're working as an entrepreneur or digital nomad.

To illustrate this point, let's look at some examples from history:

  • In 1856, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States on his third try (he had previously run unsuccessfully in 1832 and 1840). He served four terms before being assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington DC on April 14th 1865--less than two weeks after Lee surrendered his army at Appomattox Court House too end America's Civil War.*

You can build mental toughness.

You can build mental toughness.

It's a skill, not a talent or something you're born with. If you want to be mentally tough, then practice being mentally tough. The more frequently you do it and the longer those periods of time are that you practice being mentally tough--the more likely it is that this new habit will stick with you in times when things aren't going your way or life throws obstacles at your feet.

If building mental resilience is possible for anyone (and I think we've established by this point that it is), then why not try building some resilience now? It's never too late!

Mental toughness is a skill that can be built, but it takes practice and patience. There are no shortcuts to becoming mentally tough. You have to be willing to put in the work, which means pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis. It also requires dedication, consistency and focus on building good habits over time - not just one big push!


The Growth Mindset: Embracing Learning and Development as a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur


Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks as a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur